Appeals Court Vacancy Is Under Scrutiny Ahead of Contested Confirmation Hearing
Demand Justice Calls for Delay In Walker Hearing In Response to News of Investigation Into McConnell's Effort to Create Vacancy
On Monday, Demand Justice Executive Director Brian Fallon issued the following statement calling for the U.S. Senate to postpone hearings for President Trump’s newest pick for the U.S. Court of Appeal
Progressive Group Pressures New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo In New Digital Ads
The Supreme Court’s Punt on a Second Amendment Case Is a Short-Term Victory for Gun Control Groups
Demand Justice Response to Brett Kavanaugh Stating His Intention to Strike Down Gun Violence Prevention Measures
Demand Justice Chief Counsel Christopher Kang released the following statement Monday in response to Brett Kavanaugh making clear he will side with other Republican justices to strike down
Democrats push Joe Biden to release Supreme Court short list and run on future court battles
Progressive group Demand Justice launches ad buy centered on Supreme Court's Wisconsin voting decision
Demand Justice Announces $500,000 Ad Campaign Highlighting Supreme Court's Attack On Voting Rights In Wisconsin
Ad Features Jennifer Taff, Milwaukee Voter Who Held Iconic Sign Saying ‘This is Ridiculous’ as She Waited in Line to Vote