New Demand Justice Digital Ad Calls on Supreme Court Justices to Stop Stalling and Hear Trump Tax Case Remotely
Ad: ‘Americans are working remotely. The Supreme Court should too.’
WASHINGTON, DC—Demand Justice announced a new digital ad Monday urging Chief Justice John Roberts to follow the lead of millions of Americans working from home and resolve the cases currently blocking the release of Donald Trump’s tax returns and financial records.
The Court is currently blocking the release of Trump’s tax returns and financial records to prosecutors and Congressional investigators. More than two weeks after the Court cancelled in-person oral arguments, Roberts still has not announced a plan to resolve cases remotely, raising the troubling possibility he could delay this case so long that investigators will not be able to review the documents before the November election.
“If John Roberts wants to continue delaying the release of Donald Trump’s tax returns, he’s going to need a better excuse than not wanting to spring for a Zoom subscription,”said Demand Justice Executive Director Brian Fallon. “Canceling in-person oral arguments was absolutely the right decision, but millions of Americans have figured out how to adjust to a public health emergency while completing time-sensitive tasks from home. Any delay from Roberts is about his desire to cover for Trump, not technical limitations.
“The Republican justices have already gifted Trump months of delay in this case. It’s unacceptable that they appear to be considering hiding behind antiquated tradition to try to buy him even more time.”
The ad features an image of all nine Supreme Court justices participating in a hypothetical video conference, encouraging the justices to take a cue from everyday Americans and even other judges who have adjusted in order to complete time-sensitive tasks.
The ad targets the geographical area around the Supreme Court as well as neighborhoods in which the justices reside.
An example of the ad appears below.
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