Menashi Nomination on the Ropes, Trump Nominee Caught Up in Ukraine Scandal Loses Republican Vote Even Before Committee Action

WASHINGTON, DC—Demand Justice Chief Counsel Christopher Kang released the following statement Wednesday after Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) announced that she would be opposing the nomination of President Trump’s extremely controversial nominee to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, Steven Menashi:

“Steven Menashi’s nomination is so toxic that it’s now uncertain he’ll even make it through Committee. He still doesn’t have the support of all committee Republicans and now is starting to lose Republican votes on the floor. Not only has he worked to roll back protections for sexual assault survivors and immigrants, but he has refused to answer any questions about whether he helped orchestrate the coverup of one of the biggest abuse of power scandals in modern American history. Any senator who votes for his confirmation will make clear that in their eyes, helping Trump cover up his crimes is a qualification, not a problem.”

Background information on Steven Menashi can be found below:

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