Action: Don’t let Kavanaugh have the last word on Roe
Demand Justice and CPD Action visited members’ offices on Capitol Hill and held a speak out in the Senate Hart Office Building calling on Congress to investigate Brett Kavanaugh.

Since now-Justice Kavanaugh’s confirmation last fall, dozens of state legislatures have responded by rushing to enact anti-abortion laws that seek to overturn the core holding of Roe v. Wade. President Trump repeatedly promised on the campaign trail that Roe would be overturned “automatically” once he had his choice of justices on the Court, and Gorsuch and Kavanaugh might soon fulfill this promise.
Yet we don’t know Kavanaugh’s full views on abortion and Roe, because the Republican-led Senate used a sham process to confirm him last year. Before the Supreme Court hears any abortion-related cases, the public deserves the full story on whether Kavanaugh lied about believing Roe is settled law or worked on abortion-related issues that would necessitate his recusal now that he sits on the Supreme Court.