Despite Republican Posturing, Democrats Stay Laser Focused On Barrett’s Troubling Record, Illegitimate Confirmation Process
Following President Trump’s nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett, Republicans have tried to focus the debate on manufactured accusations that Democrats will use the confirmation process to interrogate Judge Barrett’s faith. Republicans know they will lose debate on this illegitimate confirmation process and Barrett’s track record on the Affordable Care Act and Roe v. Wade, so they are inventing a strawman to focus on instead.
There’s one problem for Republicans: leading Democrats and progressives have been crystal clear that they are interested in Barrett’s track record, not her religion.
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi: “It doesn’t matter what her faith is, what religion she believes in. What matters is does she believe in the Constitution of the United States…I think it’s appropriate for people to ask her about how faithful she would be to the Constitution of the United States, whatever her faith. Does she believe in the precedent on the Supreme Court that has upheld the Affordable Care Act?”
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer: “We must focus like a laser on health care because Judge Barrett’s record is so clear on this issue.”
Daily Beast: Can GOP Use SCOTUS Fave to Peel Off Biden’s Catholic Support?
“Allies of President Donald Trump are mounting a preemptive attack on Democrats who may seek to question Judge Amy Coney Barrett about her faith—before any such questions have even been raised. But Democrats say that they have zero interest in taking the bait.”
Washington Post: The Trailer: Why conservatives want the court fight to focus on Catholicism
“While Democrats have suggested they want a court fight to focus on the Affordable Care Act and the future of abortion rights, many conservatives are girding for a fight over religious faith and see opportunities if Joe Biden’s party can be portrayed as bashing Catholics. Democrats want the court fight to center on health care, voting rights and abortion rights.”
Washington Post: The Plum Line: The Republican Supreme Court strategy: a phony tale of victimhood
“Democrats are focusing on what a 6-3 conservative majority means, especially the possibility that it will strike down the Affordable Care Act, throwing our entire health care system into chaos. … Democrats are not actually attacking Barrett’s religion.”
New York Times: Democrats Don’t Want to Get Personal in Debate Over Barrett
“‘Groups like mine are not planning to go near [Barrett’s faith] at all,’ said Brian Fallon, the executive director of Demand Justice, which is spending millions on television ads in key states highlighting the consequences of a new justice.”