The Biden administration has committed to nominating judges “whose legal experiences have been historically underrepresented on the federal bench.” We agree that our courts need more professionally diverse judges and we’re holding Senators accountable for their part in fulfilling this important mission.
Is your senator following President Biden's request?
In December, the Biden administration laid out its vision for the federal courts in a letter to Democratic senators, asking them to recommend “public defenders, civil rights and legal aid attorneys, and those who represent Americans in every walk of life” for judicial vacancies in their states. 30+ progressive organizations have called on Democratic senators to publicly commit to following this request.

Richard BlumenthalD-CT
"I absolutely share President Biden’s commitment to seeking a diverse federal bench – not just in terms of gender, race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation, but in professional background as well. Public defenders, civil rights and legal..."
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Maria CantwellD-WA
"We want diversity on our federal bench. We need a selection committee that reflects that diversity. I’m so thankful this highly-qualified set of legal leaders have joined our selection committee."
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Ben CardinD-MD
Senator Cardin has recommended former federal public defender Deborah Boardman and former government lawyer Lydia Griggsby to be judges on the U.S. District Court for Maryland.

Bob CaseyD-PA
"I will continue to advocate for choosing nominees who bring a diversity of life and professional experiences, including those who have been historically underrepresented on the federal bench."
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Chris CoonsD-DE
“...In terms of background, life experiences, upbringing, racial, gender background, having a more broadly diverse federal judiciary is a goal of this administration, and certainly one that I strongly support.”
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Tammy DuckworthD-IL
"By appointing judges from outside corporate law and prosecutor roles who may better understand the life experiences of those who come before them, we can help make our criminal justice system fairer for everyone.”
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Dick DurbinD-IL
"...I do believe we need the diversity of background, not just corporate attorneys and prosecutors, but people who have done yeoman’s duty in legal clinics and as public defenders."
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Dianne FeinsteinD-CA
“We need a richness of diversity, including professional diversity, on the federal courts."
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Kirsten GillibrandD-NY
"I am committed to putting forth exceptional judicial nominees, who are not only high-qualified individuals with a breadth of experience, but who also represent the racial and gender diversity needed…"
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Martin HeinrichD-NM
Senator Heinrich has recommended a civil rights lawyer and former public defender, Margaret Strickland, to be a judge on the U.S. District Court for New Mexico.
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Amy KlobucharD-MN
Sen. Klobuchar has recommended career federal public defender Kate Menendez to serve as a judge on the United States District Court for the District of Minnesota.
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Ben Ray LujánD-NM
Senator Luján has recommended a civil rights lawyer and former public defender, Margaret Strickland, to be a judge on the U.S. District Court for New Mexico.
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Ed MarkeyD-MA
"For too long, too many federal judges have been white, male, and prosecutors or corporate lawyers. Our federal courts need judges who reflect the diversity of America and the litigants who appear before them."
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Chris MurphyD-CT
“President-elect Biden has tasked us to recommend candidates whose legal experiences have been historically underrepresented, and this is something that I will bear in mind as I make any future recommendations to the federal bench."
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Patty MurrayD-WA
"I’m committed to nominating highly qualified individuals whose wide-ranging legal experiences and diverse backgrounds will help ensure our judicial branch better reflects our country, and who are committed to justice for all Americans"
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Alex PadillaD-CA
“Sen. Padilla’s focus is to help the president find nominees for U.S. attorney and the federal bench that reflect California’s extraordinary diversity, bring a breadth of practice experience and lived experience..."
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Chuck SchumerD-NY
"The courts have long been packed with former prosecutors and corporate lawyers. It’s about time that civil rights attorneys, voting rights attorneys, and federal defenders start getting the nod."
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Tina SmithD-MN
Sen. Smith has recommended career federal public defender Kate Menendez to serve as a judge on the United States District Court for the District of Minnesota.
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Debbie StabenowD-MI
"...We need judges who have experience in all parts of the law, including civil rights lawyers, labor lawyers, public defenders."
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Chris Van HollenD-MD
"I share President Biden’s goal of having a diverse federal judiciary that brings experience from the broader legal community to the bench, including public defenders and civil rights lawyers."
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Elizabeth WarrenD-MA
"Diversity of experience matters on the bench... It’s time for a new generation of judges whose life experience extends beyond big firms, federal prosecution, and white-collar defense."
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Sheldon WhitehouseD-RI
"The federal bench ought to reflect American society and the broader legal community, including judges of different races, genders, and backgrounds in the law. I look forward to the Biden administration delivering on its promise..."
Full Statement >>NO

Michael BennetD-CO
Senator Bennet has recommended a corporate lawyer, Regina M. Rodriguez, to be a judge on the U.S. District Court for Colorado.
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Cory BookerD-NJ
Senator Booker has recommended former corporate lawyers Julien Neals, Zahid Quraishi, and Karen Williams to be judges on the U.S. District Court for New Jersey.

John HickenlooperD-CO
Senator Hickenlooper has recommended a corporate lawyer, Regina M. Rodriguez, to be a judge on the U.S. District Court for Colorado.
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Bob MenendezD-NJ
Senator Menendez has recommended corporate lawyer Christine O'Hearn to be a judge on the U.S. District Court for New Jersey.

Tammy BaldwinD-WI

Sherrod BrownD-OH

Tom CarperD-DE

Catherine Cortez MastoD-NV

Maggie HassanD-NH

Mazie HironoD-HI

Tim KaineD-VA

Mark KellyD-AZ

Angus KingI-ME

Patrick LeahyD-VT

Joe ManchinD-WV

Jeff MerkleyD-OR

Jon OssoffD-GA

Gary PetersD-MI

Jack ReedD-RI

Jacky RosenD-NV

Bernie SandersI-VT

Brian SchatzD-HI

Jeanne ShaheenD-NH

Kyrsten SinemaD-AZ

Jon TesterD-MT

Mark WarnerD-VA

Raphael WarnockD-GA