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Far-right forces have spent decades focusing on our federal judiciary culminating in stacking the Supreme Court with individuals opposed to basic freedoms and who flagrantly abuse the public’s trust with wave after wave of clear ethics violations. Republicans have blocked consideration of Democratic Presidents’ nominees while jamming through Republican nominees, resulting in an out-of-balance Supreme Court that doesn’t reflect the values of the American people.

During the first Trump administration, the courts became rapidly politicized in the eyes of the public. Thanks to his far-right nominees, decisions have become more secretive while also becoming more extreme, rolling back long-cherished freedoms and making it harder for Americans to live healthy and happy lives.

A strong judiciary—fair and trusted in the eyes of the public—is critical to any truly free society. But the MAGA movement, restored to power, seeks a bench devoted to politics over the rule of law.

Under the Biden administration, we saw the types of improvements that can happen when our elected officials are willing to prioritize judges dedicated to public service. Reflecting our groundbreaking work with people on the ground as well as with the nation’s leading legal experts alike, public debates over major structural reforms to our courts flourished.

Our calls for a bench made up of diverse perspectives helped to strengthen the judiciary. In 2020, only about one percent of all federal appellate judges had spent the majority of their careers as public defenders or legal aid attorneys and not one had spent the majority of their career at a nonprofit civil rights organization. Now, diverse professional experiences and perspectives are present at all levels of the judiciary. And, for the first time in history, a sitting Supreme Court justice has experience as a public defender.

But now, it is clear that the threats to our democracy have never been more extreme.

We will fight for our courts, hold those who confirm dangerous judicial nominees accountable, and build a vision and plan for restoring the rule of law.